Mission & Vision
The Arlington Business Improvement District (ABID) is a vibrant and unique area that serves more than 12,000 people living within greater Arlington. This includes residential neighborhoods within the City of Poughkeepsie, as well as suburban areas to the east and south in the Town of Poughkeepsie.
Raymond Avenue (NYS Route 376) runs north-south through the district, which is bordered by Vassar College on the south and Main Street on the north. Although Raymond Avenue is a highly travelled thoroughfare, the college community and nearby neighborhoods balance that with a strong pedestrian presence.
ABID relies on a board of volunteers to carry out its overall mission of fostering a safe and welcoming area that results in long-term sustainability for the businesses and organizations that call Arlington their home. ABID provides services that supplement those of the local municipalities and the property owners within the district. Primary responsibilities include keeping Arlington clean, safe and well-managed, as well as helping to facilitate streetscape beautification and revitalization projects. ABID also creates and promotes special events designed to attract visitors and new businesses and organizations to the downtown. An example is the Arlington Street Fair, which is a wonderfully successful community effort between the ABID, local government agencies and Vassar College.
Our Mission
The mission of the ABID is to continue on its path of revitalization and beautification, all while creating the most business- and visitor-friendly environment possible. We will constantly reassess our plans, efforts and strategies so that we can successfully bring local residents and local businesses together for their mutual benefit.
Our Vision Statement
Our vision for Arlington is to continue creating a vibrant business district steeped in history. The fundamental goal of our thriving commercial district is to attract a wide variety of retail shops, restaurants, and convenience-related businesses to be enjoyed by community members in a safe, beautiful environment. Aiding us in that mission is the increased ease of access brought out by the recent Raymond Avenue Revitalization Project, along with the unique combination of culture, education, and responsible, locally beneficial commerce, all located right here in Arlington, one of the Hudson Valley’s oldest and most exciting areas.